Brett Cannon - Core Python, Fountain Pens
- “I don't know about the rest of you... I came for the language, but I stayed for the community." Brett Cannon, Python Core Dev, Pycon US 2014 Opening remarks
- Public speaking
- Being encouraging to others
- Why Canada
- Meanings of Back Bacon, Toque, and Pop
- Walking in Vancouver
- Snowshoeing
- Philosophy and thinking logically
- Proving the existence of God
- Rewriting code. “You’re probably going to have to write this 3 times before you’re happy with it.”
- 1 week per month on technical debt.
- Fountain pens
- Writing a gratitude journal
- Books
- “What goes on in your brain is not the same as everyone else’s.”
- "Steeped in the world of tea." - nice pun
Links from the show:
- Podcast interviews
- Tim Urban’s TED talk which is about procrastination and not public speaking, so I have no idea what Brett is talking about. Good talk though.
- Brett’s PyCascades talk: Python's Syntactic Sugar
- Brian’s PyCascades talk: Sharing is Caring: Sharing pytest Fixtures
The Complete pytest Course
- Level up your testing skills and save time during coding and maintenance.
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